
Verb + road

  • cross the road

  • dig up the road

  • follow the road

  • build roads

  • block the road

Adjective + road

  • a busy road

  • a clear road

  • an icy road

  • a wide / narrow road

  • the main road

  • the wrong road

Road + noun

  • a road accident

  • a road sign

  • road safety


1. Verb + road

  1. Follow the main road till you come to a cinema. Then turn right.

  2. It’s easier to cross the road here - at the lights.

  3. Some road workers are digging up the road outside my house, so I can't get my car back into the garage.

  4. Thousands of people were late for work today when angry farmers blocked the roads into the city with their tractors.

  5. I think the only way to solve the traffic problems in this country is for the government to build more roads.

2. Adjective + road

  1. We took the wrong road and lost our way. We eventually had to ask a policeman for directions.

  2. The road into town is very busy on weekdays, but quite quiet at the weekends.

  3. Let's wait until the roads are clear, then we'll leave. I hate driving in heavy traffic.

  4. Some of the country roads were very narrow. Sometimes, there was only enough room for one car.

  5. The roads are icy this morning, so take care when you are driving to work.

  6. When we reached the city we left the main road and turned into a side road, hoping to find somewhere to park.

3. Road + noun

  1. We had lessons in road safety when we were at primary school.

  2. There were no road signs at the junction, so I didn't know which turning to take.

  3. Speeding is the main cause of road accident.

4. Preposition focus

  1. The journey takes about six hours by road, or one hour by air. - b

  2. I parked the car at the side of the road, outside the bank. - a

  3. I stopped because a cow was standing in the middle of the road. - f

  4. My friend Ashley lives about 100 meters down the road from me in an old cottage. - g

  5. I think there are too many cars on the roads these days. - d

  6. The old woman was walking across the road when she was knocked down. - c

  7. The cinema is just off the main road. You can't miss it. - e