
Verb + call

  • make a call

  • get / receive a call

  • take a call

  • return someone's call

  • give somebody a call

Adjective + call

  • an anonymous call

  • a hoax call

  • incoming calls

  • local calls

  • long-distance calls

  • nuisance calls


Verb + call

  1. I'll give you a call this evening to see if you're feeling any better.

  2. I received / got a call from Keith last week. He's now in New Zealand.

  3. Mr Harris isn't taking any calls just now. He's in a meeting.

  4. It’s cheaper to make calls after 6pm. The rates are lower then.

  5. Why haven't you returned any of my calls? I've phoned you at least three times and left a message each time.

Adjective + call

  1. The stolen painting was found after an anonymous call to a newspaper. - e

  2. I don't make many long-distance calls, so my phone bill is quite reasonable. - c

  3. There was no bomb in the building. It was a hoax call. - d

  4. He was arrested for making nuisance calls to single women. - f

  5. At the weekend local calls are free. - a

  6. You'll have to ring me. The phone in my flat only accepts incoming calls. - b


  1. Note these expressions:

    1. I was suddenly cut off in the middle of the call.

    2. Don't call us, we'll call you!

  2. Call can also mean visit:

    1. It's time I paid a call on my Aunt Margaret. She lives alone and is always pleased to see me.

  3. A call centre is where people work, dealing with customers on the phone.