Cake and Biscuit

Expressions with cake

  • a birthday cake

  • a wedding cake

  • a chocolate cake

  • a home-made cake

  • a recipe for a cake

  • a slice / piece of cake

Verb + cake

  • bake / make a cake

  • eat a cake

  • cut a cake

  • try a cake

Expressions with biscuit

  • pass the biscuits

  • plain biscuit

  • chocolate biscuit

  • a packet of biscuits

  • cheese and biscuits


Verb + cake

  1. Who's eaten all the cake? I was hoping to have some with my coffee!

  2. I'm making / baking a special cake for Andrew's 21st birthday.

  3. Would you like to try one of my mother's tea cakes?

  4. Get your camera! The bride and groom are about to cut the wedding cake.

Expressions with cake

  1. I managed to blow out all 30 candles on my birthday cake.

  2. Would you like another slice of cake?

  3. She says these cakes are home-made, but I think she got them from the supermarket!

  4. This carrot cake is fantastic. You must give me the recipe for it.

  5. My diet doesn't allow me to eat chocolate cake. It has too many calories in it.

Expressions with biscuit

  1. Annette passed round a packet of biscuits during the coffee break. - e

  2. I've got to cut out chocolate biscuits from my diet. - d

  3. Would you prefer cheese and biscuits or a piece of fruit? - a

  4. I'll just have a plain biscuit if you don't mind. - b

  5. Do you think you could pass the biscuits, please? - c


  1. Note the verb + preposition in the following:

  • She divided the cake (equally) among the children.

  • She divided the cake into ten (equal) slices.

  1. Note these ways of saying the cake was good:

    Her cakes are delicious. / Her cakes are (simply) out of this world.

  2. The idiom 'It was a piece of cake' means that something was very easy to do:

    The exam was a piece of cake. I finished half an hour before the end.