Test 14





beard / mustache









Identifying the key word

  1. [face] - wash, forget, familiar, honest

  2. [nose] - blow, hold, run, wipe

  3. [hair] - brush, wash, lose, curly

  4. [throat] - cut, grab by, sore

  5. [tooth] - brush, bad, false, healthy

  6. [mouth] - open, close, burn, wipe

  7. [beard/mustache] - have, grow, shave off, trim

  8. [lip] - lick, dry

  9. [ear] - cover, stick out, sore, big

  10. [smile] - have, big, friendly, lovely

  11. [shoulder] - dislocate, look over, shrug

  12. [neck] - break, stiff, a pain in

  13. [tongue] - bite, burn, stick out

  14. [kiss] - give, first, big, goodnight

The correct collocation

  1. You won't believe it, but Ann's colored / dyed her hair orange!

  2. My brother had two teeth taken out / away at the dentist's yesterday.

  3. I used a napkin to clean / wipe my mouth at the end of the meal.

  4. I woke up this morning with an aching / a sore throat.

  5. Have you got a tissue? I need to clean / blow my nose.

  6. He just raised / shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't know where the money was.

Key word quiz

  1. I splashed my face with water in order to wake myself up.

  2. I hope I never have to get false teeth.

  3. I've got a really stiff neck this morning. I'm finding it difficult to turn my head.

  4. I'm going to shave off my beard. My wife says she wants to see my face again!

  5. I got a fish bone stuck in my throat and had to go to hospital.

  6. My lips were so dry that had to put some cream on them.

  7. You'll recognize her quite easily. She's got long, curly hair.

  8. I accidentally bit my tongue while I was eating an apple. It's really sore now.


  1. The medicine left a horrible taste in / on my mouth.

  2. He wears a gold chain on / round his neck.

  3. He had a big smile on / over his face.

  4. She was carrying a large bag on / over her shoulder when she arrived.

  5. There's no need to shout in / to my ear: I can hear you quite clearly.