
Verb + soldier

  • soldiers march

  • soldiers attack / defend

  • soldiers kill

  • soldiers are wounded (in battle)

  • soldiers protect (people)

  • soldiers fight for their country

  • soldiers salute

  • soldiers shoot (people)

  • soldiers die

  • soldiers surrender

  • soldiers join the army

  • soldiers desert the army (run away)


Verb + soldier

  1. One soldier was killed and three others were badly wounded when their tank was hit by a rocket.

  2. When the General came into the room, all the soldiers stood up and saluted.

  3. Ten people were shot dead by soldiers during a demonstration in the capital yesterday.

  4. Thousands of soldiers marched through the snow to their deaths.

  5. The soldiers took no prisoners - they killed everyone in the village.

  6. There's a monument in our village to all the soldiers who fought and died in the two World Wars. - b

  7. After a short battle, hundreds or enemy soldiers put down their guns and surrendered. - e

  8. At dawn US soldiers attacked the town with tanks and helicopter gunships. - f

  9. Soldiers who deserted in the First World War were shot. - d

  10. Some soldiers think if they join the army, they'll see the world! - g

  11. The Queen was protected from the crowd by about 20 soldiers. - c

  12. The soldiers who lost their lives died protecting our freedom. - a


  1. We say that a soldier joins the army, and then serves in the army. We also say that he joins up.

    Harry joined the army when he was 18.

  2. Note the expression:

    The soldiers opened fire on the protestors. (started shooting at them).

  3. When you have to join the army because of the law, we call it conscription:

    Many countries in Europe have abolished conscription.