kettle, cooker, oven, freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, grill, fridge, toaster


switch on the kettle

switch off the kettle

fill the kettle

boil the kettle


turn the cooker on / off

leave the cooker on

put (a pot) on the cooker


put (the chicken) in the oven

remove (the cake) from the oven

turn the oven to (200) celsius degrees


put (the fish) in the freezer

take (the meat) out of the freezer


load the dishwasher

empty the dishwasher

washing machine

put (clothes) in the washing machine

empty the washing machine


put (milk) in the fridge

keep (medicines) in the fridge

chill (wine) in the fridge

(fish) keeps in the fridge (for 24 hours)


cook something under the grill


put a slice of bread in the toaster


Verb collocations

  1. Hang on a minute. I think I’ve left the cooker on. I’ll just go and turn it off.

  2. Turn the oven on low, and cook the casserole very slowly.

  3. Could you switch the kettle on and make some tea?

  4. You’ll have to empty the dishwasher before you can put the dirty plates in.

  5. Don’t leave your dirty clothes on the floor! Put them in the washing machine!

  6. That reminds me. I must take the chicken out of the freezer and defrost it for tonight’s dinner.

  7. Could you put two slices of bread in the toaster for me, please?

Preposition focus

  1. Rub the chicken with garlic before putting it in the oven.

  2. Cook the fish under a hot grill for 5 minutes.

  3. Is it OK if I put the dirty jeans in(into) the washing machine?

  4. Remove the cakes from the oven, and allow them to cool before eating them.

Common expressions

  1. The milk will quickly if you don't put it in the fridge. (b)

  2. Don't forget to chill the wine in the fridge. (d)

  3. Spoon the extra sauce into a jar and keep it in the fridge. (a)

  4. The meat should keep for a couple of days in the fridge. (c)

Last updated