
Verb + magazine

  • read a magazine

  • buy a magazine

  • subscribe to a magazine

  • write for a magazine

  • the magazine is aimed at (young people)

  • a magazine publishes (stories, pictures)

Common expressions

  • leaf through a magazine

  • advertise something in a magazine

  • an article about / on (dieting) in the magazine

  • the magazine gives (information)

  • women's magazine

  • monthly magazine

Noun + of + magazine

  • the editor of a magazine

  • an issue of a magazine

  • a range of magazines

  • the readers of a magazine

  • the front / back cover of a magazine


Verb + magazine

  1. I bought several magazines to read on the train.

  2. Manjo is a popular music magazine which is aimed at teenagers.

  3. The film star, Brad Wartz, was very angry when Goodbye magazine published pictures of him at a private party in LA.

  4. I'm a freelance journalist. I write for a number of different fashion magazines.

  5. I subscribe to several monthly magazines. It's much cheaper than buying the magazine every month from a shop.

Noun + of + magazine

  1. Our local newsagent stocks a wide range of magazines.

  2. This month Kylie Minogue is featured on the front page of Vogue magazine.

  3. In his last job, Henry was the editor of a popular men's magazine.

  4. Have you read the current issue of Time magazine? It's got a good article on China.

  5. You can buy the Pavarotti DVD at half price. This special offer is only open to the readers of this magazine.

Common expressions:

  1. The free magazine from the bank gives lots of useful hints on how to save money. - c

  2. She lay on the sofa, leafing through fashion magazines. - e

  3. The women's magazines are all on the middle shelf over there. - a

  4. The perfume has been advertised in all the popular women's magazines. - b

  5. There's an interesting article on Bill Clinton in this month's Hello magazine. - d


Magazines and newspapers sometimes have supplements - separate sections on one topic:

  • There's a great property supplement in The Scotsman on Thursdays.

  • The sports supplement in Sunday's Telegraph was really interesting.

  • The limes has a really interesting supplement on holidays today.


"There's nothing to read in them! I just leaf through them to see what's in fashion!"