
Common expressions

  • wear a uniform

  • change into / out of your uniform

  • be in uniform

  • school uniform

  • army uniform

  • a nurse's uniform


Common expressions

  1. I change out of my school uniform into jeans and a T-shirt when I get home. - f

  2. I think Mark looks really smart in his army uniform. - a

  3. Do you have to wear a uniform if you work at Pizza Hut? - d

  4. General Rivers wasn't in uniform. That's why I didn't recognize him at first. - e

  5. Your sister looks completely different in her nurse's uniform. - b

  6. School uniforms are no longer compulsory in many British schools. - c


  1. A soldier can be in uniform or out of uniform.

  2. Other kinds of uniform are naval uniform, prison uniform, a pilot's uniform.

  3. One of the most common adjectives used with uniform is smart.