
Common expressions

  • give blood

  • lose blood

  • the sight of blood

  • a blood test

  • blood runs / pours down (your face)

  • your blood pressure

  • covered in blood

  • blood-stained clothes


Common expressions

  1. I'm a regular blood donor. Have you ever given blood yourself? - h

  2. She lost a lot of blood in the accident. - a

  3. We'll need to do some blood tests to find out what's making you feel so tired. - e

  4. I asked the doctor to check my blood pressure. - f

  5. There was blood pouring down his face from a head wound. - c

  6. The sight of blood always makes me feel sick and paint. - d

  7. The police were able to identify the killer from his blood-stained shirt. - b

  8. What's the matter with your head? It's covered in blood! - g