
Common expressions

  • put your hands over your ears

  • whisper in (her) ear

  • have a sore ear

  • get your ears pierced

  • your ears stick out


Common expressions

  1. Tom has a sore ear again. I'll need to get some ear drops from the chemists.

  2. She doesn't like her ears because they stick out. She keeps her hair long to hide them.

  3. If you want to start wearing earrings, you'll need to get your ears pierced first.

  4. Henry leaned over to Fiona at the meeting and whispered something in her ear.

  5. I put my hands over my ears, so that I couldn't hear the baby crying.


  1. Note these expressions:

  • The music at the concert was very loud. My ears are still ringing!(full of a ringing noise)

  • I‘m a little deaf in one ear.