Test 2

1.Identify the key words

  1. Chair - fall off, get up from, push back, sit in

  2. Bed - change, go to, lie in, make, hard

  3. Alarm - go off, hear, set

  4. Table - clear, leave, reach across, set, sit at

  5. Mirror - break, look in, full-length, large

  6. Toilet - flush, go to, need, use, public

  7. Drawer - lock, look in, open, stiff, top

  8. Towel - dry yourself with, dirty, wet

  9. Bath - run, clean, have, get into, lie in

  10. Shower - quick, cold, get into, have, turn on

2.The correct collocation

  1. Andrew, could you make / lay the table for dinner, please?

  2. I can’t open this drawer. It’s really hard / stiff.

  3. When I finished the letter, I fell / leaned back in my chair and looked out of the window.

  4. I never look / see in the mirror first thing in the morning!

  5. Make sure you change / clean your bed at least once a week.

  6. I set the alarm for 7 am, but for some reason it didn’t go / come off.

  7. Could you make / run the bath for me?

  8. Have you got time for a quick / short shower before we go out?

3.Key word quiz

  1. Excuse me, but this towel is wet. Have you got a dry one?

  2. Harry's room's in a mess again. He hasn't even made his bed yet.

  3. My grandfather is now 90 and needs help to get in and out of the bath.

  4. We all sat around the kitchen table, drinking tea and chatting.

  5. It's going to be a cold night. Can I have an extra blanket on my bed?

  6. I put my passport in the drawer by my bed and locked it before going out.

  7. Could you hang these shirts up in the wardrobe, please?

  8. I always close the curtains when I go to bed. I never sleep with them open!

  9. Unfortunately, there were no toilet facilities at the bus station.

  10. Make sure you turn off the shower when you've finished.


  1. I was so tired I couldn't get out / up from my chair.

  2. I reached across / along the table to get the salt.

  3. I prefer to sleep in / on a firm mattress.

  4. I'm always in / into bed by ten o'clock most days.

  5. My brother lies in / on the bath for hours after playing football.

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