
Verb + wine

  • drink wine

  • pour wine

  • serve wine

  • store wine

  • spill wine (on the table)

Adjective + wine

  • a white / red wine

  • a ****sweet / dry wine

  • an expensive / a cheap wine

  • a good / fine wine

  • a sparkling wine

Common expressions

  • a bottle of wine

  • a glass of wine

  • a case of wine

  • the effect of wine


Verb + wine

  1. I can't drink any wine tonight. I'm taking antibiotics.

  2. The red wine spilled on my best shirt has left a stain on it.

  3. It's best to store wine in a cool dry place.

  4. White wine is best served chilled.

  5. I held up my glass and the waiter poured some wine for me.

Adjective + wine

  1. I don't like sweet wines. I prefer very dry wines.

  2. It might be a sparkling wine, but I don’t think it's champagne.

  3. Australia now produces some of the best / finest wines in the world.

  4. I generally have white wine with fish and red with a meat dish.

  5. Its a very cheap wine, but it tastes all right. What do you think?

Common expressions

  1. We stayed in last night and shared a pizza and a bottle of wine. - b

  2. My doctor says I should limit myself to two glasses of wine a day. - a

  3. I liked the wine so much that I bought a whole case of it. - e

  4. I don't really like the taste of wine. I much prefer beer. - c

  5. My father believes in the beneficial effects of red wine. - d


Note these wine + noun expressions:

  • Can I see the wine list, please?

  • I don't have a wine cellar but I keep one or two bottles in a wine rack in the dining room.

  • He's a reg wine connoisseur / buff. (knows a lot about wines