
Verb + sweater

  • wear a sweater

  • put on a sweater

  • knit a sweater

  • wash a sweater

  • a sweater shrinks

Common expressions

  • a thick sweater

  • a woolen sweater

  • have your sweater on inside out

  • pull your sweater over your head


Verb + sweater

  1. This is a cashmere sweater and needs to be washed by hand.

  2. I'm knitting your father a sweater for Christmas, but don’t tell him!

  3. At the party, Laura was wearing a sweater with a golf logo on it.

  4. My sweater has shrunk a little. Maybe I shouldn't have put it in the tumble drier!

  5. I'd put on a sweater. I think it's going to get colder later.

Common expressions

  1. I hate woolen sweaters. They make my arms itch! - c

  2. Donald! You've got your sweater on inside out again! - d

  3. I can't pull this sweater over my head. I think it's a couple of sizes too small! - a

  4. She was wearing a thick sweater made of Merino wool. - b


  1. Other words for sweater are pullover and jumper.

  2. A sweater which fastens at the front with buttons is called a cardigan.

  3. A sweater with a very high neck is called a polo neck sweater.

  4. Other kinds of sweater are:

    • a hand-knitted sweater

    • a woolen / cashmere sweater

    • a heavy / light sweater