Manager and Secretary

Expressions with manager

  • become a manager

  • speak to / see the manager

  • inform / notify the manager

  • complain to the manager

  • put (you) through to the manager

  • the manager fires / dismisses / sacks (you)

Expressions with secretary

  • work as a secretary

  • secretaries arrange / cancel (appointments)


Common expressions

  1. I asked to speak to the manager, but she was in a meeting. - c

  2. Can you put me through to the sales manager, please? - g

  3. The manager sacked her because she was often late for work. - a

  4. I'll get my secretary to arrange a meeting for Thursday morning. - e

  5. Liza has been promoted. She's become the assistant manager of the York office. - b

  6. If you are unable to come to work, notify your line manager immediately. - d

  7. I'd complain to the manager if you want something done about it. - h

  8. Michael works as a part-time secretary for a car hire company. - f