
Verb + ice

ice forms

ice melts

ice cracks

scrape ice off (your car)

be covered with ice

skate on ice

skid on ice

slip on ice

Adjective + ice

thick ice

thin ice

black ice


  1. The sun came out and melted the ice on the pavements.

  2. Do you think the ice on the pond is now thick enough to skate on?

  3. My friend’s car skidded on some black ice and hit a tree.

  4. The lake is usually covered with thick ice for most of January and February.

  5. My mother broke her arm when she slipped on some ice and fell.

  6. As soon as I got on the thin ice, it started to crack. I got off it very quickly!

  7. Ice had formed on the windscreen of my car overnight. I had to scrape it off before I could drive to work.