Test 21









art gallery








Identifying the key word

  1. [soldier] - march, kill, salute, surrender

  2. [actor] - famous, bow, talented

  3. [office] - call, share, work in, well-run

  4. [police] - arrest, call, officer, station

  5. [factory] - open, shut down, visit, show around

  6. [show] - enjoy, review, star, ticket

  7. [cinema / theater] - go to, half-full, packed

  8. [play] - be in, put on, write, part

  9. [manager] - complain to, see, sacks people

  10. [museum / art gallery] - visit, entrance charge

The correct collocation

  1. I'm not very happy with the quality of this food. I'd like to watch / see the manager, please.

  2. The factory does / produces most of the country's cars.

  3. There's been great / high unemployment in the area since the local factory closed.

  4. A number of soldiers were hurt / wounded in the attack.

  5. There were no front chairs / seats left for the show. We had to sit at the back.

  6. Let's go out and see / look at a film at the cinema tonight. I'm fed up watching videos at home.

  7. Our local theatre group is putting on / out a play about poverty in Africa next week.

  8. I'm appearing in the school play, but only have a small bit / part.

Key word quiz

  1. A really nice guide showed us round the museum / art gallery.

  2. The police have arrested two men and charged them with murder.

  3. When the general entered the room, all the soldiers saluted.

  4. I love films with Jeremy Irons in them. He's my favorite actor.

  5. It’s a large theater / cinema which can hold about 1000 people.

  6. I work in a large office on the fourth floor.

  7. Before we can interview you for the job, we'll need a reference from your previous employer.

  8. I hear you have tickets for the musical, Cats and Dogs. I hope you enjoy the show.


  1. It's important that you report all crimes at / to the police.

  2. I had a small part in / on the play.

  3. I work at / in a large shoe factory.

  4. There's no entrance charge at / to the museum.