
Common expressions

  • your body aches

  • your body shakes

  • exercise your body

  • be self-conscious about your body

  • move your body (to music)

  • have a great / amazing body

  • a dead body

  • your body is run-down


Common expressions

  1. I had the flu last week and my body was aching all over. - h

  2. People moved their bodies in time to the music. - d

  3. Swimming is an excellent way of exercising your body. - b

  4. When I got out of the car after the accident, my whole body was shaking. - c

  5. She has an amazing body for a woman of 60. - g

  6. You're more likely to get sick when your body is run-down. - e

  7. The first time I ever saw a dead body was at my grandmother's funeral. - f

  8. I'm very self-conscious about my body. I think my legs are too thin. - a