Test 22











Identifying the key word

  1. [photograph] - develop, frame, pose for, take

  2. [video / DVD] - program, stop, turn on, work

  3. [call] - make, receive, local, hoax

  4. [camera] - smile at, digital, CCTV

  5. [telephone / phone] - answer, ring, use, number

The correct collocation

  1. The phone's ringing! Would someone answer / make it please?

  2. I think I'll give / make Joanna a call. Have you got her number?

  3. I'm not very good at making / taking photographs.

  4. Do you have a blank / an empty video cassette? I want to record something tonight.

  5. If you take good care of your camera, it should keep / last for years.

  6. I lost / wasted over an hour trying to get through to the ticket office.

  7. He spends / takes hours every day watching TV.

  8. It only takes / uses about 20 minutes to learn how to use the machine.

  9. I enjoyed each / every minute of the show.

Key word quiz

  1. I'm afraid I forgot to put a film in the camera!

  2. Can you wait here while I go to the toilet? I won't be a minute.

  3. There’s a new supermarket near us which opens 24 hours a day.

  4. I wish she'd get off the phone. I need to call Carlos.

  5. I think I'II frame this photograph and give it to my mother.

  6. I'm sorry I forgot to return your call. I was very busy in the office.

  7. Hang on! I won’t be a minute!

  8. Do you know how to turn on the video / DVD?

  9. Our team have won the competition for the third year running.

  10. Anne's about six months pregnant now, so she'll be stopping work soon.

Common expressions with time

  1. Don't leave everything to the last minute.

  2. He works very long hours. No wonder he's tired!

  3. I've had a very busy week. I'll need to stay in bed all weekend to recover!

  4. We arrived ten minutes early, so we had time for a cup of coffee before the meeting.

  5. Most films today are about two hours long.