
Verb + nose

  • blow your nose

  • wipe your nose

  • hold your nose

  • pick your nose

  • break your nose

  • your nose runs

  • your nose bleeds

  • your nose is blocked


Verb + nose

  1. The smell was so bad that I had to hold my nose and leave the room.

  2. Alice took out her handkerchief and blew her nose loudly.

  3. Frank picked his nose while he was talking to me. What a disgusting habit!

    • How can I stop my nose bleeding?

    • Put your head back and hold it between two fingers. That's what I always do.

  4. My nose is often blocked and I have to breathe through my mouth.

  5. I've got a cold and my nose is running. Has anyone got a tissue so that I can wipe it?

  6. One of our sons broke his nose playing rugby. It happened to me when I was at school.

  7. Have you got a tissue? The baby's nose needs wiping.