
Common expressions

the wind blows

the wind changes

the wind rises / gets up

the wind drops / dies down

the wind whistles (through trees)

cycle into the wind

walk into the wind

sail into the wind

shelter from the wind

shelter out of the wind

Adjective + wind

strong winds

high winds

a light wind

icy winds

cold winds

bitter winds


Common expressions

  1. The wind suddenly changed the direction and started to blow from the north.

  2. I think we should wait till the wind drops / dies down before we try to put up the tent.

  3. You could hear the wind whistling through the small gaps in the windows.

  4. We didn’t reach the top of the mountain. We decided to turn back when the wind started to rise / get up.

  5. I’m getting cold. Let’s shelter from the wind in that shop doorway over there.

  6. The captain said that the ferry would be thirty minutes late because it was sailing into a very strong wind.

Adjective + wind

  1. The flags on top of the castle fluttered gently in the light wind. (c)

  2. Last night’s high winds caused serious damage to our roof. (d)

  3. The wind was so strong it almost blew me off my feet. (a)

  4. The icy wind cut right through me. I was absolutely freezing when I got home. (b)


Note these noun + preposition + wind expressions:

It was absolutely still. There wasn’t a breath of wind.

A strong gust of wind blew my hat off my head.