
Verb + salt

  • pass the salt

  • cut down on salt

  • add salt to (the soup)

  • sprinkle salt on / over (your chips)

Common expressions

  • a pinch of salt

  • a (level) teaspoon of salt

  • high / low in salt

  • your salt intake

  • salt and pepper


Verb + salt

  1. Norma, could you pass the salt. please?

  2. I think if we add some salt to the soup, it will taste better.

  3. I usually sprinkle a little salt on my food to give it flavor, especially boiled vegetables.

  4. I have high blood pressure and the doctor has advised me to cut down on the amount of salt I'm eating.

Common expressions

  1. Don't add too much salt. Just a pinch will do. - e

  2. You should avoid foods like crisps which are high in salt. - c

  3. A level teaspoon of salt should be enough. - d

  4. Most of us should reduce our salt intake. - b

  5. Season the soup with salt and pepper. - a


  1. Note these expressions:

  • Salt helps to bring out the flavor in food.

  • A lot of tinned food is high in salt.

  • Hey! Go easy on the salt. Too much salt is bad for your health.

  1. The sea is made up of salt water. Lakes are made up of fresh water.

  • I don't like swimming in the sea. I hate getting salt water in my eyes.