Envelope and Stamp

Expressions with envelope

  • open / close an envelope

  • hand someone an envelope

  • address an envelope

  • the envelope contains (money)

  • write on the back of an envelope

  • a stamped addressed envelope (SAE)

Verb + stamp

  • buy a stamp

  • lick a stamp

  • stick a stamp on the envelope

  • use a first-class / second-class stamp

  • collect stamps


Expressions with envelope

  1. It's easier to open envelopes with a paper knife. - e

  2. The boss handed me an envelope which contained my first week's wages. - c

  3. Would you help me address these envelopes? There's a pen over there on the table. - d

  4. I had to enclose a stamped addressed envelope with my letter of application. - b

  5. I think I wrote Neil's phone number down on the back of an old envelope. - a

Verb + stamp

  1. Use a first-class stamp if you want the letter to get there tomorrow.

  2. You can buy stamps in books of fives or tens from most newsagents.

  3. I used to collect stamps when I was a child, but I lost interest when I went to high school.

  4. I helped my mother with the Christmas cards by licking the stamps and sticking them on the envelopes.