
Common expressions

  • wear a tie

  • put on a tie

  • loosen your tie

  • tie your tie

  • a plain tie

  • a black tie

  • your old school tie


Common expressions

  1. I was very hot, so I loosened my tie and undid the top button of my shirt.

  2. You can't eat in the hotel dining room unless you're wearing a tie.

  3. Do you have a black tie I could borrow? I have to go to a funeral tomorrow.

  4. My old school tie had orange and red stripes on it. What was yours like?

  5. I can't put a tie on properly by myself? I have to get my mother to help me.

  6. Can you tie a tie? I never seem to be able to do it properly!

  7. I prefer plain ties to patterned ones.