
Common expressions

  • break your neck

  • wear (a necklace) round your neck

  • have a stiff neck

  • a pain in the neck


Common expressions

  1. Chris fell from his horse and broke his neck. He's now paralyzed from the neck down. - c

  2. Steve can be a real pain in the neck. He never does what he says he will. - d

  3. I woke up with a stiff neck this morning. It must have been the way I was lying. - b

  4. Mary was wearing a silver chain round her neck. - a


  1. Note that in number 2 ‘a pain in the neck’ is someone who is very annoying or irritating.

    I wish she wouldn't tell lies. She can be a real pain in the neck.

  2. An annoying situation can also be a pain in the neck.

    I wish they would turn that music down. I'm trying to work. It's just a pain in the neck!