
Common expressions

  • like chocolate

  • be addicted to chocolate

  • chocolate melts

  • break off a piece / square of chocolate

  • milk / plain chocolate

  • a box of chocolates

  • dark / white chocolate

  • a bar of chocolate


Common expressions

  1. Unfortunately, the chocolate had melted in my pocket. What a mess it had made!

  2. I prefer milk chocolate to plain chocolate - it's much sweeter. What about you?

  3. He broke off a piece of chocolate, and gave it to the child to try to get it to stop crying.

    • I think I'm addicted to chocolate. I eat at least two bars a day!

    • Well. I like chocolate, but I can take it or leave it.

  4. My sister gave us some chocolates on our wedding anniversary, and we ate the whole box between us in a night.


  1. Note these expressions with 'sweets':

  • Don’t eat a lot of sweets - they’re bad for your teeth.

  • As a child I spent most of my pocket money on sweets.