
Verb + stomach

  • hold your stomach

  • lie on your stomach

  • something upsets your stomach

  • your stomach rumbles

Common expressions

  • a full stomach

  • an upset stomach

  • a strong stomach

  • pick up a stomach bug

  • hit someone in the stomach


Verb + stomach

  1. My stomach was rumbling during the lesson. I should have had some breakfast before going to school. It was very embarrassing.

  2. I don't eat hot spices like chillies. They upset my stomach, and give me wind!

  3. Geraldine was lying on her stomach, watching television, when I got home.

  4. My dad was holding his stomach because it was very painful. But it was nothing serious - just a touch of indigestion.

Common expressions

  1. You should never swim on a full stomach. You might get cramp. - f

  2. I missed college yesterday because of an upset stomach. - c

  3. The doctor told me not to take these pills on an empty stomach. I have to eat first. - b

  4. The film is full of blood and guts! You'll need a strong stomach to watch it. - e

  5. I picked up a nasty stomach bug while I was on holiday. - d

  6. I don't know why he hit me in the stomach. - a